Saturday, February 6, 2010

Saints, Money, Sinners and Truth

Between Saints, Money, Sinners and Truth

I feel like hell. Penne a la vodka, my last eating out till valentines day. This is the point where most of you feel great, a good meal and a full stomach. What more can you want?

This is only the beginning of the misconception. This is just the start of the lie and control that has been placed on you from the moment you were even conceived in thought. As you read this now you are a slave to those things around you, to those thoughts in your head, and the feeling in your stomach. You are nothing more than a piece of a global battle for profit and control. They don't care about you. They don't care about your kids. You are dollar signs and thats all you will remain as long as you continue like this.

Now before I lose everyone let me tell you a little about me.

I have been living on organic fruit up until recently for a few weeks. Eight fruits a day to be exact, and I must say I felt amazing. I slept maybe 5 hours a night after the 4th day, I had tremendous energy and I was in a great mood. I lost 15 pounds and was working out 2-3 times a day because of my energy was so high, it was the most amazing experience I had ever had. But tell me how this is possible? From a scientific look I was well under the needed calories. I worked out a lot and still had energy. As far as fat goes, I sure as hell didn't have much fat on my body to begin with, but still lost some. I could run all day, barely sleep and wasn't ever full. This should have been impossible. Well lets be honest….

Doctors, Dentists, Nutritionalists, and Scientists, you are all frauds. I will expose you.

If we are truly healthy, then why should we get sick?

I have no PHD, no degree at all really; I am no doctor, nutritionalist, scientist or dentist. But the one thing I do know is I sure as hell wouldn't trust studies that are funded by a company that makes money off the outcome of it. And I sure as hell wouldn't vote for a politician whose main contributors to their campaign are the same people who are only trying to put this guy in office because it makes their business thrive, even when they know its poison. And I sure as hell wont trust a group who calls something safe to eat because they are paid so well in the process. And god knows I will not be the guy to buy a bunch of gold in a time when the future of the economy looks horrible, because we all know gold has no value when everybody is starving.

Everything around you is taking your eyes off the ball.

Lets start with 'what is healthy?'

A doctor will tell you to take vitamins, exercise, and watch your diet. Yet if you ever pay attention doctors are some of the sickest people in the world! Now go ahead, tell me its because they are around sick people so often. You are trained to think this and its a lie. Now answer me the question of why the hell they are the ones giving you health advice if they cant take care of their own immune system to be resistant to a cold? If you are truly healthy then you wouldn't get sick, and if you cant take care of yourself then shut the fuck up about health. You are spitting out information that was spoon fed to you to get you in the systematic corruption of the battle for profits at your health expense.

You cant argue with your own experience. Im not trying to reason with you into believe me, I believe your own experience should show you the truth. All i ask is you be opened minded and ask questions. But you must know deep down that there is something wrong with what we call healthy. You shouldn't be having the issues you have with your health if you truly are healthy. If you agree then I ask you to continue reading as I expose the truth on health and what has become a battleground for a mirage of value.

This will be dedicated to all the real doctors, misguided good parents, truly good people who want to help for the sake of it, and good teachers who understand why. Also to the Gerson family, George Osawa and the Macrobiotic foundation, PETA aka THE DEVIL!, the man who wrote Fast Food Nation, the idiot who lived on McDonalds for a month, the makers of Food Inc, the makers of A Beautiful Truth, and tons of others I forgot.

Monsanto, ConAgra and others alike.. You cant hide the truth, and you cant hide from God you poor excuses of humans

Special thanks to my mentor Mr. Courtney.

Please feel free to criticize.


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